Thursday, November 24, 2011

Montessori Pink Reading Series

Dear Montessori Professionals, Administrators, and homeschooling parents, Welcome to the Pink Reading Series!  These are like my babies.  I have loved teaching my own children with these works, teaching lots of other children over the years, and I am very much looking forward to teaching my grand babies with these Pink Reading files!

Children write, or build words with a movable alphabet, before they read.  This is called encoding before decoding.  We present from the most concrete to the most abstract in order to prepare the child for the greatest success.  We support the child in their work by giving naming lessons and demonstrating how to complete the work without using unnecessary speaking.  Then we turn the work over to the child and watch from a distance to see how they do.  We do not correct them, even if we wish to, at the time of use so as not to interrupt their own learning.  When they need more instruction we give them a new lesson.  We support children as much as they need.  They need help until they don't need help.  As long as a child is striving for forward movement we work to trust that the child will make that movement.

Montessori Pink Reading Level #1 - Word Building with Objects and the Movable Alphabet
This work requires a Movable Alphabet.  If you do not have one yet you could look at one of the many Montessori supply sites or even download this paper one from here.  The file includes some instructions for possible set-up.  In steps 1 - 4 the child will need a naming lesson as part of the initial presentation.  Name the object and ask, "What is the first sound in the word 'ram'? (say the ENTIRE word slowly while emphasizing the first sound) Do you hear the 'rrr' at the beginning of 'ram'?"  Lay down the movable alphabet r.  Say, "What is the next sound in the word 'ram'? (say the ENTIRE word slowly while emphasizing the middle sound) Do you hear the 'aaaa'?"  Lay down the 'aaa'.  Say, "What is the LAST sound you hear in the word 'ram'? (say the ENTIRE word slowly while emphasizing the last sound) Do you hear the 'mmm'?"  Lay down the 'm'.  Do this for each object.  Once you have finished presenting all the objects and built the words show the child how to put this work away and then give the child the chance to use this work.  Watch from afar so as to not correct the child in their work.  This is the most authentic assessment of their skill level.  If they need a new presentation you can do that at another time.

Pink Reading Series Level #1 Objects & Movable Alphabet

Montessori Pink Reading Level #2 - Word Building with Pictures and the Movable Alphabet
Once a child has had practice with level on they can move to level 2.  These pictures with the Movable Alphabet gives the child more practice in writing words (encoding) with the movable alphabet. These cards include a correction of error with the word spelled correctly on the back.  If a child wants to look at the back for the first several times until they feel comfortable that is absolutely fine.  They need help until they do not.  The correction of error is there to help them be as independent as possible with this work.
Pink Reading Level #2 Pictures & Movable Alphabet

Montessori Pink Reading Level #3 - Word Reading with Objects and Word Cards
In this set the child will sound out the word cards and match them to the corresponding objects.  I have included a large bank of noun cards to hopefully help in your search for phonetic objects for each pouch. 
Pink Reading Level #3 Objects & Word Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #4 - Word Reading with Pictures and Word Cards
Once the child has mastered set 4 they are 'becoming so advanced" and "can read so many things"!  This set also has a self correction on the back of the cards.  They have corresponding dingbats.  Children will sometimes opt to do all the sets of cards in one sitting and others want to take it one pouch at a time.
Pink Reading Level #4 Picture and Word Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #5 - Single Word Booklets with Pictures as Control of Error
Because these booklets only focus on a single word with a picture following on the next page, children are more at ease reading their first books.  At this stage the children will be a shaky in their skill but these booklets give immediate feedback without teacher intervention.

Pink Reading Level #5 Word Booklets

Montessori Pink Reading Level #6 - Word Lists
Word Lists have their worth in helping children feel more at ease with multiple words on a page.  It can be hard to focus on one word when there are others around them.  If they really struggle to focus on just one word a hider can be made from a bit of cardstock about the length of the card with a window cut out the size of the words.

Pink Reading Level #6 Word Lists

Montessori Pink Reading Level #7 - The Vowel Tree
I do so love the Vowel Tree.  This supports in another important skill for children.  Listening and discerning between real and nonsense words as well as becoming comfortable with not trying to make a word out of everything they read.  This skill is actually much more important than one might think.  When a child moves on from beginning reading and starts to read words with multiple syllables they benefit greatly from having practiced nonsense words because bigger words are made up of a lot of nonsense until you put it all together.  If a child is too hung up on making nonsense make sense they can struggle more to read bigger words.  This work is fun to make into a bit of a joke.  Kids need that in their reading.  If I can make light of the words that do not make sense they will associate happiness with them.  Think like the master of fun nonsense - Dr. Seuss.  There are two files for this work: first the printable Vowel Tree and then the cards to accompany.  The cards need holes punched in the center large enough to see the vowels.  I have been very careful in my choice of letter combinations so that nothing surprises anyone!

Pink Reading Series Level #7 Printable Vowel Tree and Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #8 - Pink Vowel Substitution Cards
Once a child is more comfortable with the Vowel Tree it is a great time to introduce Vowel Substitution.  In this set of work the child is seeing the picture and sounding out the word.  They use the Substitution Vowels at the end of the file to fill in the missing vowels.  This work is self correcting with the correct vowel printed on the back of the cards.

Pink Reading Series Level #8 Vowel Substitution Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #9 - Pink Level Rhyming Families Mats & Word Cards
Rhyming skills should be practiced continuously from the Phonemic Awareness level all the way through a child's reading career.  This is the Pink Level individual rhyming work.  At the line in class  week we will practice rhyming families a few times a week.  This work supports the child's developing understanding of spelling patterns.  This work has a correction of error which matches a colored dot on each mat with a corresponding colored dot on the back of each word card.
Pink Reading Series Level #9 Rhyming Families

Montessori Pink Reading Level #10 - Pink Level Command Cards
This work is awfully fun to do with a partner.  The children deal these cards into two decks and sit apart from each other with the cards facing down.  This is all about silent reading practice and the joy of acting something out for a friend.  They can ask the tonekeeper or assistant for help reading any card they need but they need to try to keep it all a secret from their partner.  They act out the command on the card and see if their partner can guess what their card says.  It is important to note that this work is never meant to become a competition.  Once they are finished with a card it simply goes into the middle of the table or rug as finished.

Pink Reading Series Level #10 - Command Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #11 - Pink Level Smooth Reading Practice Large Word Cards
At this level we want the child to begin working on reading smoothly from one sound to the next.  This takes only a little practice for some and a lot for others.  There are 12 possible sets of about 20 cards each.  When I use this work with a child I use a small yellow piece of cardstock with a line drawn on it to draw attention to the sound we are saying until we smoothly move to the next sound.  When a child "chops" their sound I will say, "Let's try that again" and then I sound the word out with them.  We are NOT trying to be speedy with this work.  In fact I always tell the children that this work is not a race because we want this work to be smooth.  I will sit next to the child once they have practiced on their own for a while and then whichever words they have been successful in reading smoothly goes into their pile.  Anything they are still working on stays with me.  I may choose to work through the ones they are still working on depending on their level of engagement with the work.

Pink Reading Series Level #11 Smooth Reading Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Level #12 - Phrases Cards
We want the child to become familiar with reading words together on a card.  Phrases are a great way to practice this skill.  These phrases are simple and only use the sight word "a".  I always teach their new sight word before having them practice reading their phrases.

Pink Reading Series Level #12 Pink Phrases

Montessori Pink Reading Level #13 - Pink Level Sight Words
At this stage we can begin working with children on their sight words.  In the Phrases we introduced the word 'a'.  Now we will begin introducing the rest of the Pink Level Sight Words.  Sight words support the child in their desire to be involved in their world at large.  The more a child can read on a sign or in a book the more they will feel like a reader.  Sight Words are words a child memorizes.  There can be some controversy in Montessori Circles concerning sight words.  After many trainings both in the private and public sector, and in years of teaching and observation, I am convinced of their importance to successful reading. At the Pink Level we almost exclusively focus on words that follow the Pink Reading Rules.  There are a few exceptions with words like 'a', 'I', 'the', and a few other words that have an 's' at the end of them but it says the 'zzzz' sound.

These words have been taken from the FRY (First 1000 Words) list of most common words.  My "Why" for using this as my basis is because FRY is a list of words most commonly used in literature. Moving onto the next Pink Reading Level and even onto Blue Reading before these words are mastered is fine and, frankly, important.  You don't want a child to loose their forward momentum because they don't have all their Pink Sight Words memorized.  Just keep working on them with them.

To begin with we will introduce two.  The word 'the' and the word 'a'.  We follow the Three Period Lesson format for introduction as follows:

1st Period - Lay each word card on the table or rug and say:
This is "the"
This is "a"

2nd Period - Instruct the following:
Point to "the"
Point to "a"
Pick up "a"
Pick up "the"

3rd Period - Say:
What is that? (pointing to each card individually)
When a child knows a card they can keep it in their pile.

You may add new words in order as long as the child is up for it and it is enjoyable for the child.  In subsequent presentations do a quick check as follows:
"Whatever sight words you know we will put in your pile.  Whichever you are still working on I will keep in my pile."  Go through cards and wait only about 3 or so seconds.  Tell the child the word for any cards they do not have down. Once finished say (unless the child has gotten zero cards), "You knew ___."  Go through the pile of practice cards a few times again and practice the word with the child.  When a child knows most of the cards they are working on you may say, "You are advanced enough now to add more words."  Add a few at a time following the 3 Period Lesson Format.  When at the 2nd and 3rd periods you may add back in cards they already know.

Pink Reading Series Level 13 Pink Level Sight Words

Montessori Pink Reading Level #14 - Matching Pictures & Sentence Strips
The last work in the Pink Reading Series is matching sentences to their corresponding picture.  There are a few more sight words in this set that need to be introduced before a presentation on this work.

Pink Reading Series Level #14 Matching Pictures & Sentence Strips

Montessori Pink Reading Series Level #15 - Nonsense Words Reading Cards
More practice with nonsense words will support children in their reading later on.  These last two steps support this aim.  Children who have a good mastery of nonsense words generally have greater facility in reading later on.

Pink Reading Series Level #15 Nonsense Word Cards

Montessori Pink Reading Series Level #16 - Word & Nonsense Word Sorting Cards
Once the children have mastered or almost mastered the Nonsense Words cards they can begin this set.  They are reading words and determining if they are real words or nonsense words.   There are two header cards to sort underneath.  This set has a correction of error on the back of the differing sets.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Montessori Language Exercises

I think that many of the people who will eventually utilize my blog will be people who are working in a smaller or home environment, I am really geared toward you.  You will be looking for the best stuff for the best price, and you will also want help in getting set up (I know that is what I wanted).  I want to help you save money and spend wisely.

Let's start at the VERY beginning.

The following is a list of Traditional Primary Language Exercises Materials (these items go along with the Primary Scope and Sequence), and the BEST places to order them.

Great Prices and replacement parts are my reasons for LOVING this place.  You may be able to find some things cheeper, but you probably will not be able to find replacements when you need them.  Not only that, but when you need to replace your item, you can turn them in for points toward purchases, and you get points for orders placed.  Fabulous all around.

* Paper for the metal insets is priced absurdly through any service.  It is COMPLETELY worth it to take a ream of paper to the local copy shop and pay them to cut it to 5 1/2 X 5 1/2 for you.  You will save at LEAST 50%

NOTE:  You will not see grammar materials on this list since the Primary Scope and Sequence I use goes through age 5 and not age 6.  In my manuals for Language Exercises the only grammar presentations for children by age 5 are... The First Noun Game, The First Verb Game, and The First Preposition Game.  None of these presentations require the Grammar Symbols.  *More for older ages later.

*For the Pink, Blue and Green Reading you will need A LOT of Phonetic Objects, Objects with Blends, and Objects containing Phonograms.  I have gone to all kinds of places to find my objects.  I have spent time at all the local thrift shops, at hobby and craft stores and I have found a couple of online places to order from.  Montessori Services and Montessori 'N' Such are my favorites.

The Following Items come from Montessori Services

The following is a list with links to Downloadable Materials I have created:
(if you are looking at this blog today, many of the links will not available yet.  I still need to upload them)

It bears noting that I do not use the Montessori Research and Development Language Arts Manual.  I have used for years and years the Language Exercise Manual from the Santa Monica Montessori Institute.  All manuals can be reconciled with each other when using the materials.  I will be happy to answer any questions about materials that I can.

This is a list of Other Exercises for Language I have made:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bird Matching Cards

This set was made for a little girl in my class this year who is completely in love with birds.  It includes instructions and a photo guide to the birds.
Bird Matching Cards
click on picture to link to the file